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Figure 5b from: Groom Q, Bräuchler C, Cubey RWN, Dillen M, Huybrechts P, Kearney N, Klazenga N, Leachman S, Paul DL, Rogers H, Santos J, Shorthouse DP, Vaughan A, von Mering S, Haston EM (2022) The disambiguation of people names in biological collections. Biodiversity Data Journal 10: e86089.

Quentin Groom, Christian Bräuchler,Robert Cubey, Mathias Dillen,Pieter Huybrechts,Nicole Kearney,Niels Klazenga,Siobhan Leachman,Deborah L Paul, Heather Rogers, Joaquim Santos,David Shorthouse,Alison Vaughan, Sabine von Mering, Elspeth Haston


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