Blind JPEG Compression Artifacts Removal by Integrating Channel Regulation with Exit Strategy

IEEE transactions on multimedia(2023)

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Compression artifacts removal methods based on convolutional neural networks have attracted great attention. However, most existing methods require a specific trained model for a specific compression quality factor (QF), which inevitably leads to resource-consuming. Unfortunately, the QF is unknown in most practical applications, so it is intractable to choose a suitable model. In this work, we experimentally analyze the relationship between compression index estimation and compression artifacts removal. Based on the connection between them, we couple compression index estimation with compression artifacts removal into a unified network. A network named CRESNet is proposed, working for a wide range of QFs by integrating channel regulation with an exit strategy. Specifically, CRESNet adopts a multi-stage progressive structure with an exit strategy embedded to automatically select the optimal exit stage according to the estimated compression index reflecting the difficulty of the input sample. Benefiting from the exit strategy, CRESNet removes artifacts from slightly compressed images through a simple process while doing an elaborate process for severely compressed images. Furthermore, a compression-information-guided channel regulation (CICR) mechanism is developed to adaptively regulate feature maps based on the estimated compression index. CRESNet achieves a more elegant trade-off between artifacts removal and detail preservation in a resource-efficient manner. Experiments demonstrate that CRESNet achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Image coding,Indexes,Transform coding,Regulation,Estimation,Automobiles,Image restoration,Compression artifacts removal,compression index estimation,adaptive channel regulation,exit strategy
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