
Comparative Effectiveness of Probiotics in Store Pigs Raising

XV International Scientific Conference “INTERAGROMASH 2022” Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems(2023)

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Probiotics are live microbial feed additives that have a beneficial effect on the animal's body by improving the intestinal microbial balance. Probiotics are effective against diseases caused by a variety of stresses, resulting in a stable immunity in the animals. According to scientists, the inclusion of probiotics in the raising of young animals reduces the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases, shortens their rearing time, and reduces feed costs and mortality. For the first time, the feasibility of using essential oil of eucalyptus as a source of phytoncides and negative polarity oxygen aeroions to optimize the indoor microclimate when growing store pigs has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally proved. The above-mentioned measures helped to reduce the concentration of water vapor, harmful gases (carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide), dust, and micro-organisms in the pig house air by almost two times. Under production conditions, the possibility of activating the immunobiological status, growth, and development of store pigs with the use of probiotics “Vetom 2” and “Biosporin” was confirmed. The use of these probiotic preparations increased the live weight gain of the store pigs by 7.8–8.9%. The prophylactic efficacy against gastroenteritis in store pigs was 86.6–93.4%. The results of experiments and production experience open up prospects for a wide practical application of the probiotic preparations “Vetom 2” and “Biosporin” in pig farming.
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