
Computer simulation use in design gating system of cast made from the cast iron

22nd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Proceedings 2022, Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote SensingSGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference� EXPO Proceedings(2022)

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Computer simulation of foundry processes is an essential part of a modern foundry. The role of the gating system, its design and different elements are important in casting. Experimental verification of the designed gating system for new castings is costly, timeconsuming and economically inefficient. Therefore, these processes in the foundry are replaced by computer simulation. A detailed analysis of the simulation results makes it possible to predict various risks that may cause a failure in the quality of casting production and thus the quality of the entire production process. The article deals with by simulating the filling and solidification of the new cast iron casting "Fun Pump Support". Two types of gating systems were created for the given casting, which were subsequently subjected to computer simulation of filling and solidification. 3D models of the Casting and Gating Systems were designed in SolidWorks CAD software. Computer simulation of filling and solidification was performed using the simulation program NovaFlow&Solid CV 4.6r42. The results of the simulations showed that the design of the gating system reduced the amount of liquid metal used for casting, which has significant economic effects in series production. Several simulations of filling and solidification of the developed technological system were designed, while the density of the network, the conditions of casting and solidification were determined so as to be as close as possible to the actual needs of the foundry. The gating system was modified to eliminate casting defects (shrinkages) that occurred during the solidification process, as well as to increasing the utilization of liquid metal.
design gating system,computer simulation use,iron
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