
Study on intermittent flow wear test method of water meter with high energy efficiency

Bo Han, Xian Zhang, Meng Wen, Xue-shi Bai, Chao Wang, Xia Wang

2022 34th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC)(2022)

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In order to solve the problem that the water temperature is too high during the intermittent flow wear test of water meter and improve the energy efficiency, an intermittent flow wear test method of water meter based on inverse time sequence is proposed in this paper. By dividing the branch waterways of the water meter into two groups with the same total flow, and controlling the on-off state of the valves in each branch waterway, the intermittent flow timing sequences of each branch waterway in the same group are the same, and the phases of the intermittent flow timing sequences of the branch waterways between the two groups are in an inverse relationship, so as to realize that while the intermittent flow is present in each branch waterway, the whole facility presents a continuous flow state, which avoids the conversion of the output energy of the water pump into the internal energy of water due to the obstruction of water flow, and double the energy utilization efficiency and the wear test number of water meters when the water pump outputs the same power.
Water meter,wear test,energy efficiency,finite element analysis
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