
Impacts of grassland plant composition on ghg emissions in clay soil

SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference� EXPO Proceedings22nd SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Proceedings 2022, Energy and Clean Technologies(2022)

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One of the largest producers of GHG emissions in agriculture is the dairy and meat livestock sector. Grassland is the main feed base for dairy and meat cattle. Managed grasslands can become a major contributor to and leverage of GHG gas exchange. High quality information with studies on the flow of the three main GHG gases and concentration linked to different management strategies is important for the development of good management practices, as well as for the development of climateresilient landscapes and the reduction of climate impacts on agricultural lands. The aim of this study is to identify the impacts of the composition of grassland plants on GHG emissions on clay soils, as well as to clarify the impact of fertiliser on these gases. The pilot research used a field of 45 m wide and 34 m long, which was divided into 64 squares. The squares of field were divided into 2 parts � fertilised and non-fertilised, creating four repetitions. Each of the groups consisted of eight fields, each of which was filled with herbaceous grasslands in accordance with Latvian climate conditions. Measurements of GHG emissions were carried out weekly from 5 June to 16 September. N2O, CH4, CO2, gases were measured with CRDS gas measurement device PICARO G2508. Each field was measured for four minutes, a minute pause was withheld between the measurements, for measurement accuracy. Grass composition has an impact on GHG emissions, as the results have revealed a significant difference between the selected grass mixtures. The lowest N2O emissions, as well as one of the largest CH4 sequestration, but CO2 emissions are among the average. Additional an analysis of the data, it was found that the fertiliser had not affected GHG emissions, this is due to the correct selection of the fertiliser.
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