CRT-700.59 Infective Endocarditis: Local Antibiotic Treatment, a Future Option for Transcatheter Valve Replacement?

Raphael A. Seidel,Alexander Lauten, Anke Weberling, Antonia Lange,Hans R. Figulla

Cardiovascular revascularization medicine(2023)

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Vitamin D has a well-known critical role in calcium and bone homeostasis. In recent years, there has been an increased interest in the potential regulatory role of vitamin D on metabolic pathways implicated in muscle functions. Evidence coming from epidemiologic studies has demonstrated that poor vitamin D status is associated with worse muscle functions. However, whether vitamin D deficiency and supplementation has a role on sarcopenia is not fully known. This review will focus on current knowledge and emerging data regarding the role of vitamin D in muscle functions and sarcopenia.
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Endocarditis Guidelines
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