
A coupled data assimilation framework with an integrated surface and subsurface hydrological model


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<p>We developed an ensemble based data assimilation (DA) system for an integrated hydrological model to facilitate real-time operational simulations of water quantity and quality. The integrated surface and subsurface hydrologic model HydroGeoSphere (HGS) (Brunner & Simmons, 2012) which simulates surface water and variably saturated groundwater flow as well as solute transport, was coupled with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework (PDAF) (Nerger et al., 2005). The developed DA system allows joint assimilation of multiple types of observations such as piezometric heads, streamflow, and tracer concentrations. By explicitly considering tracer and streamflow data we substantially expand the hydrologic information which can be used to constrain the simulations.&#160;&#160;&#160; Both the model states and the parameters can be separately or jointly updated by the assimilation algorithm. &#160;</p> <p>A synthetic alluvial plain model set up by Delottier et al., (2022) was used as an example to test the performance of our DA system.&#160; For flow simulations, piezometric head observations were assimilated, while for transport simulations, noble gas concentrations (<sup>222</sup>Rn, <sup>37</sup>Ar, and <sup>4</sup>He) were assimilated. Both model states (e.g., hydraulic head or noble gas concentrations) and parameters (e.g. hydraulic conductivities and porosity) are jointly updated by the DA. Results were evaluated by comparing the estimated model variables with independent observation data between the assimilation runs and the free run where no data assimilation was conducted. In a further evaluation step, a real-world, field scale model featuring realistic forcing functions and material properties was set up for a site in Switzerland and carried out for numerical simulations with the developed DA system. The synthetic and real-world examples demonstrate the significant potential in combing state of the art numerical models, data assimilation and novel tracer observations such as noble gases or Radon.</p>
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