Suspended Two-Dimensional Material Membranes for Sensor Applications Fabricated with A High-Yield Transfer Process

2023 IEEE 36th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)(2023)

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This paper reports a novel dry-transfer method for suspending and patterning two-dimensional (2D) materials across closed (sealed) cavities on a target substrate. The process utilizes handling frames and heat to ensure sufficient adhesion and a multi-layer resist stack to pattern the suspended thin films. The yield of intact suspended monolayer graphene membranes is up to more than 75 %, higher than formerly reported [1]–[3]. The process also demonstrates high yields of intact membranes of double-layer graphene and of two different transition metal dichalcogenides. The process flow can be applied to the fabrication of various sensor applications, such as pressure sensors.
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Two-Dimensional Materials,Stretchable Sensors,Transparent Conductors
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