
Analysis of Changing Trend of Water Resources and Water Environment Quality in China from 2009 to 2019

Highlights in science, engineering and technology(2023)

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Based on the statistical analysis of China Water Resources Bulletin, China environmental situation Bulletin and national environmental statistics yearbook during 2008-2019, we summarized the water resources and water environment quality of seven major basins, and the proportion, main pollutants and change trend of various types of water quality are discussed. Meanwhile, wastewater discharge and pollution discharge are also analyzed. The results show that in the recent years, the overall water environment quality in China is improving, but the overall water environment quality is still not optimistic. Water resources are not only the basis for human survival and development, but also a strategic resource for the development of the national economy. According to the <> issued by the United Nations, the current global water demand is increasing at a rate of 1% per year. This demand will continue to increase, and my country's water resources are even scarcer, and the per capita consumption is only 1/4 of the global average. In the face of this situation, understanding the state and changing trends of my country's water resources and water environment, and putting forward targeted resource conservation and pollution control measures are of great significance to alleviating the problem of my country's water shortage.
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