The DMAPS Upgrade of the Belle II Vertex Detector
INFN | Univ Paris Saclay | Austrian Acad Sci | Aix Marseille Univ | Univ Strasbourg | Rhein Friedrich Wilhelms Univ Bonn | Univ Pisa | Queen Mary Univ London | Georg August Univ | INFN Sezione di Pisa | Univ Bergamo | Univ Pavia | High Energy Accelerator Res Org KEK | Univ Tokyo | Univ Appl Sci & Arts Dortmund | CSIC UV
The SuperKEKB collider will undergo a major upgrade at the end of the decade to reach the target luminosity of 6x1035 cm-2s-1, offering the opportunity to install a new fully pixelated vertex detector (VTX) for the Belle II experiment, based on depleted-MAPS sensors. The VTX will be more granular and robust against the expected higher level of machine background and more performant in terms of standalone track finding efficiency. The VTX baseline design includes five depleted-MAPS sensor layers, spanning radii from 14 mm to 140 mm, with a material budget ranging from 0.2% to 0.8% X/X0 per layer. All layers will be equipped with the same OBELIX sensor, designed in the TowerJazz 180 nm technology, with the pixel matrix derived from the TJ-Monopix2 sensor originally developed for the ATLAS experiment. The paper will describe the proposed VTX structure and review all project aspects: tests of the TJ-Monopix2 sensor, OBELIX-1 design status, ladder prototype fabrication and tests.
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Key words
Belle II,Vertex detector,VTX,Upgrade,CMOS Pixel Sensor,DMAPS,Particle tracking detectors
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