
Role of Copper and Zinc in Full-term Pregnancy and İts Effect on Apgar Score

Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry(2023)

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Objective: Our aim in this study; is to determine zinc, copper and copper/zinc ratios in third-trimester pregnant women with a new laboratory method. Methods: In this research conducted on 59 pregnant women in the last trimester, Those diagnosed with preeclampsia, preterm birth, postmaturity, and gestational diabetes were excluded from the study. In pregnant blood serums, zinc and copper levels were studied on fully automatic analyzers with a new method. The new technique kits used in the study are Rel Assay Diagnostics brand. The zinc ion reacted with 5-Br-PAPS and gave an absorbance at a wavelength of 548 nm in direct proportion to the total zinc level. The copper ion reacted with 3,5-DiBr-PAESA and showed absorbance at 572 nm in direct proportion to the total copper level. Zinc and copper measurements were made in this way by the colourimetric method. Additionally, copper/zinc ratios were calculated. In addition, determined the APGAR (Activity-Pulse-Grimace-Appearance-Respiration) score of the babies. Statistical studies of the obtained data were performed at p<0.05 significance level. Results: Zinc and copper parameters; No statistically significant relationship was found in the analyzes performed with gestational age, gestational week, birth weight, APGAR score, gravida and the number of living children (p>0.05). In addition, it was observed that there was no difference in zinc and copper/zinc ratios in the evaluations made according to the gender of the baby (p>0.05). On the other hand, copper levels in pregnant women; were found to be significantly higher in female fetuses (200.72±36.36) than in males (164.17±42.47) (p<0.001). Conclusion: Although the copper values of pregnant women with female fetuses are significantly higher, these results require more comprehensive studies. On the other hand, there is not relationship between zinc, copper and copper/zinc values and APGAR scores.
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