
Essai de déferrisation naturelle d’une eau de source dans un village de Kabylie (Nord algérien)

Salem Benamara, Mehenna Messaoui


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This work is a contribution to the deferrization by natural aeration/decantation of spring water in Tazerouts village (south-east of the Tizi-Ouzou region, in northern Algeria), using a prototype installation (PI). The objective is to reduce the turbidity, the criterion used to assess the efficiency of deferrization, from 12.5 (initial value) to a maximum of 1 nephelometric turbiditu unit (NTU) before considering the extrapolation of the results obtained to the existing supply system dedicated to ferruginous water (SDFW). The latter provides water with a turbidity of 11 NTU which exceeds the potability threshold. The PI is composed of a series of 9 large plastic containers and 6 small plexiglass containers, placed alternately, generating a total settling area of about 2 m2. Three water flows (0.5 (Q0.5), 0.25 (Q0.25) and 0.1 L/min (Q0.1)) were applied. The turbidity was measured at the outlet of the PI at different time intervals. Obtained results show that: i) the most effective deferrization treatment corresponds to the water flow Q0.1, reducing the turbidity from 12.5 ± 3.5 (before treatment) to 0.40 ± 0.23 NTU (after treatment) for a water flow time followed at the outlet of the IP of 5.5 days, and ii) the water thus deferrized keeps its turbidity at a very satisfactory level 0.23 NTU after one year of storage at 6 °C. In view of their importance, we recommend gradually adapting these results to SADEF, while ensuring the physicochemical and microbiological quality of the water, from the source to the consumer.
settling container,water flow,deferrization,prototype installation,surface area,turbidity.
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