
Scientific Support Active City: A Theory-Driven Needs Analysis for Urban Physical Activity Promotion

Nils Schumacher,Laura L. Bischoff,Ines Schaefer, Nadia Obi, Regina Fertmann,Ruediger Reer, Stefan Blankenberg


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Introduction The positive effect of exercise on health is well documented. Nevertheless, urban measures to promote physical activity are apparently not sufficiently successful. The objective of this article is to present a detailed needs analysis for the promotion of physical activity within the framework of the project entitled "Scientific Support Active City" in Hamburg.Methodology Based on the Intervention Mapping (IM) approach, a systematic needs analysis is carried out in five steps. These include: (1) the definition of the responsibilities of the stakeholder, (2) identification of target groups, (3) viewing, recording and checking of available data sources, (4) presentation of prevalence of physical activity for the target groups and (5) specification of goals and initial recommendations for action derived.Results After defining the core team and extended network of stakeholder, available data sources were identified for the target groups, children and adolescents, adults and older adults, to be used in the context of a multi-source approach to analyse physical activity behaviour. The target group-specific analysis illustrates the need for further representative data as well as support measures, e. g., for women with low education and children from socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods.Conclusion The IM approach has proven to be applicable in the design of the needs analysis of the "Scientific Support Active City" project. The cooperation initiated by the network and the evidence-based approach to deriving initial needs appear to represent a promising approach to promoting physical activity. A long-term overall urban strategy for the promotion of physical activity based on cooperative knowledge-based goal setting can thus replace short-term individual projects.
urban physical activity, intervention mapping, intervention research
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