
No-tillage with straw mulching promotes the utilization of soil nitrogen by rice under wheat-rice and oilseed rape-rice cropping systems


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IntroductionTo investigate the effects of no-tillage with straw mulching on the absorption and utilization of soil nitrogen (N), fertilizer N, and straw N by rice under paddy-upland rotations. MethodsA field experiment with three cropping systems: fallow-rice rotation without straw mulching (FRN), wheat-rice rotation with wheat mulching in rice season (WRS), and oilseed rape-rice rotation with oilseed rape straw mulching in rice season (ORS) was conducted from 2015 to 2017, along with a mini-plot experiment with N-15-labeled urea and straws, which was conducted in 2017. ResultsNo-tillage with straw reduced rice N uptake up to 20 days after transplanting, the total amount of fertilizer N uptake of WRS and ORS rice plants was 46.33 and 61.67 kg/ha, respectively, which was 9.02 and 45.10% higher than that of FRN plants. Soil N was the main source for rice growth, followed by fertilizer N. Soil N uptake by WRS and ORS rice plants was 21.75 and 26.82% higher than that of FRN plants, accounting for 72.37 and 65.47%, respectively, of the total N accumulated in rice plants. Straw mulching increased the N utilization efficiency of tillering, panicle, and total fertilizer by 2.84-25.30%; however, base fertilizer was dependent on straw mulching. The total amount of N released from WRS and ORS straw mulching in the rice season was 34.97 and 24.82 kg/ha, respectively; however, only 3.04 and 4.82% of it was absorbed by the rice plants, accounting for only 0.62 and 0.66% of the total accumulated N. DiscussionNo-tillage with straw mulching under paddy-upland rotations increased the N utilization of rice, especially for the absorption of soil N. These results provide theoretical information for the effective utilization of straw and rational N application practices in rice-based cropping systems.
straw incorporation, conservation tillage, paddy-upland rotation, isotopic labeling, nitrogen uptake
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