
PI3K Isoform Immunotherapy for Solid Tumours

Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology(2022)

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Improving the anti-tumour T cell response as a consequence of immunotherapy can result in eradication of tumour burden, however, the majority of patients fail with current treatment regimens and so novel immunotherapies with greater efficacy and improved tolerability are needed. The phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) family members that are directly involved in cell signalling comprise PI3K alpha, PI3K beta, PI3K delta and PI3K gamma, with the latter two isoforms expressed primarily by leukocytes. The survival and optimal function of regulatory T cells (Treg) and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) is dependent on PI3Kd, whereas tumour-associated macrophages (TAMs), use PI3K gamma. Blocking these signalling isoforms can boost development of effective anti-cancer immune responses and result in control of tumour burden. The dependence on different PI3K isoforms in immune cells makes targeting this pathway an attractive approach for tumour immunotherapy. Herein, we discuss how inhibiting specific PI3K isoforms in pro-tumoural Tregs, MDSCS and TAMs can unleash a powerful anti-tumour immune response, driven by CD8(+) T cells, capable of controlling tumour burden and consider how the immune response to therapy needs careful investigation, to identify both the correlates of successful treatment and those that impede the generation of robust anti-tumour responses. Furthermore, we review how combination immunotherapy approaches with both PI3K inhibitors and subsequent immune checkpoint blockade can potentiate the efficacy of monotherapy. Finally, we discuss the recent advances in the use of PI3K isoform-specific inhibitors as an immunotherapy for solid tumours in clinical trials.
Cancer Immunoediting,Biomarkers for Immunotherapy,NK Cell Immunotherapy,Tumor Microenvironment,NK Cell Therapy
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