Supplementary Figure S1 from Hemolytic <i>E. coli</i> Promotes Colonic Tumorigenesis in Females


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E. coli typing based on fimH mutation patterns of fecal E. coli isolates. (A) Cluster analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of 711 fimH sequences. At the bottom of the figure are point mutations and their positions relative to the start codon of fimH. Red color represents that the mutations occur; blue color represents that the mutations do not occur. The horizontal box indicates the mutation pattern of type1-fimH. The vertical box indicates SNPs that are specific to type1-fimH and absent from the other types of fimH. (B) Distribution of the four types of E. coli in different subject groups. Each column represents a subject; each row represents fimH types of randomly selected fecal E. coli isolates. Color scheme: purple, type 1; blue, type 2, orange, type 3, green, type 4. (C) Percentage of subjects positive with each type of E. coli in different subject groups. H, the healthy subjects serving as controls; AD, patients with adenoma; CRC, patients with colorectal cancer. ***P < 0.001.

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