
Image Processing for Knowledge and Comparison of Piranesi’s Carceri Editions

Proceedings of the 3rd International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Image and Imagination(2023)

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Piranesi printed the 16 etchings of the Carceri d’invenzione in 1761. This version, which is more widespread and better known, derives from the reworking of matrices that the Venetian engraver produced in 1749–50. These are the 14 plates of the Invenzioni capricciose di Carceri all’acquaforte. Many studies have focused on the semantic and formal comparison of the two main versions of the series. Up to now, comparisons have been conducted using juxtaposed pictures, whether original prints or digital reproductions. This procedure involves some limitations due to the effort of synthesis and mental superimposition of the two pictures of different editions to correctly identify the areas where changes occurred. The contribution proposes a method of formal comparison between the two main editions of the series through the digital superimposition of two states of the same plate so that it is easier, more immediate, and more accurate to note the changes. This method is based on the application of image processing algorithms, which let to obtain a synthesis picture in false colours that clearly shows the modified parts of each plate. Observation of the results has suggested the distinction of two main types of modifications carried out by Piranesi (additions/integrations and removal), clearly identifiable in the synthesis pictures. In addition to its implications for Piranesi studies, this research shows how digital image processing can be an essential tool for knowledge in the field of art.
image processing,piranesis,editions,knowledge
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