Constraining Primordial Non-Gaussianity from DESI Quasar Targets and Planck CMB Lensing
Alex Krolewski,Will J. Percival,Simone Ferraro, Edmond Chaussidon,Mehdi Rezaie,Jessica Nicole Aguilar,Steven Ahlen,David Brooks,Kyle Dawson,Axel de la Macorra,Peter Doel,Kevin Fanning,Andreu Font-Ribera,Satya Gontcho a Gontcho,Julien Guy,Klaus Honscheid,Robert Kehoe,Theodore Kisner,Anthony Kremin,Martin Landriau,Michael E. Levi,Paul Martini,Aaron M. Meisner,Ramon Miquel,Jundan Nie,Claire Poppett,Ashley J. Ross,Graziano Rossi,Michael Schubnell,Hee-Jong Seo,Gregory Tarle,Mariana Vargas-Magana,Benjamin Alan Weaver,Christophe Yeche,Rongpu Zhou,Zhimin Zhou JOURNAL OF COSMOLOGY AND ASTROPARTICLE PHYSICS(2024)
cosmological parameters from LSS,gravitational lensing,inflation
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