
Spectral Wave Modeling of Bimodal Sea States at Laboratory and Coastal Scales

Ocean modelling(2023)

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A downshift of the wind wave peak frequency was observed in a wind wave tunnel when irregular long paddle-waves (i.e. generated mechanically with a plane wave-maker) are added in the sea state. The 3rd generation spectral wave model, TOMAWAC, is used to assess the extent at which this peak frequency downshift can take place at prototype scale in bimodal sea-state conditions involving swell and wind wave systems. Several parameterizations of the modeled physical processes are selected to numerically reproduce the laboratory experiments in the first place. Then, the model performances are further inquired in reproducing coastal observations during a specific event combining a wind wave and a swell system. Overall, a good agreement is obtained between the simulations and the observations both at laboratory and coastal scale. In particular, a set of parameterizations combining one of the latest developments in spectral wave models for the whitecapping dissipation and the nonlinear 4-wave interactions reveals high performances in reproducing the observations. Lastly, based on the performances of this latter set of parameterizations, a generic numerical domain with typical coastal scale dimensions is created to inquire the occurrence of the downshift at prototype scale. This last study reveals a wind wave peak period shift from 5 s without swell to more than 6.5 s with a 2 m high swell.
Bimodal sea states,Wind waves,Swell,Wind-wave tunnel,Spectral wave model
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