
Evaluation Model and Exact Optimization Algorithm in Missile-Target Assignment

Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics(2023)

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No AccessEngineering NotesEvaluation Model and Exact Optimization Algorithm in Missile–Target AssignmentTianyu Jin, Shaoming He, Hongyan Li and Xiaobo ZhengTianyu JinBeijing Institute of Technology, 100081 Beijing, People's Republic of China, Shaoming He Institute of Technology, 100081 Beijing, People's Republic of China, Hongyan Li Institute of Technology, 100081 Beijing, People's Republic of China and Xiaobo ZhengBeijing Institute of Technology, 100081 Beijing, People's Republic of ChinaPublished Online:16 Apr 2023 Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail About References [1] Jeon I.-S., Lee J.-I. and Tahk M.-J., "Homing Guidance Law for Cooperative Attack of Multiple Missiles," Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2010, pp. 275–280. 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See also AIAA Rights and Permissions TopicsAerodynamicsAlgorithms and Data StructuresArtificial Neural NetworkComputing and InformaticsComputing SystemComputing, Information, and CommunicationData ScienceEnergyEnergy ConsumptionEnergy EconomicsEvolutionary AlgorithmFluid DynamicsMissile Systems, Dynamics and TechnologyMissilesOptimization Algorithm KeywordsMissilesOptimization AlgorithmEnergy ConsumptionAerodynamic CoefficientsArtificial Neural NetworkFlight Path AngleAerodynamic PerformanceParticle Swarm OptimizationMultiple Input Single OutputComputational Fluid DynamicsPDF Received1 November 2022Accepted18 March 2023Published online16 April 2023
Missiles,Optimization Algorithm,Energy Consumption,Aerodynamic Coefficients,Artificial Neural Network,Flight Path Angle,Aerodynamic Performance,Particle Swarm Optimization,Multiple Input Single Output,Computational Fluid Dynamics
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