
Dashing Through the Cluster: an X-ray to Radio View of UGC 10420 Undergoing Ram-Pressure Stripping


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We present multi-wavelength data and analysis, including new FUV AstroSat/UVIT observations of the spiral galaxy UGC 10420 (z = 0.032), a member of the cluster Abell 2199. UGC 10420 is present on the edge of the X-ray emitting region of the cluster at a distance of similar to 680 kpc from the centre. The far-ultraviolet (FUV) data obtained by the AstroSat mission show intense knots of star formation on the leading edge of the galaxy, accompanied by a tail of the same on the diametrically opposite side. Our analysis shows that the images of the galaxy disc in the optical and mid-infrared are much smaller in size than that in the FUV. While the broadband optical colours of UGC 10420 are typical of a post-starburst galaxy, the star formation rate (SFR) derived from a UV-to-IR spectral energy distribution is at least a factor of nine higher than that expected for a star-forming field galaxy of similar mass at its redshift. A careful removal of the contribution of the diffuse intracluster gas shows that the significant diffuse X-ray emission associated with the interstellar medium of UGC 10420 has a temperature, T-X = 0.24(-0.06)(+0.09) keV (0.4-2.0 keV) and luminosity, L-X = 1.8 +/- 0.9 x 10(40) erg s(-1), which are typical of the X-ray emission from late-type spiral galaxies. Two symmetrically placed X-ray hot spots are observed on either sides of an X-ray weak nucleus. Our analysis favours a scenario where the interaction of a galaxy with the hot intracluster medium of the cluster, perturbs the gas in the galaxy causing starburst in the leading edge of the disc. On the other hand, the turbulence thus developed may also push some of the gas out of the disc. Interactions between the gas ejected from the galaxy and the intracluster medium can then locally trigger star formation in the wake of the galaxy experiencing ram-pressure stripping. Our data however does not rule out the possibility of a flyby encounter with a neighbouring galaxy, although no relevant candidates are observed in the vicinity of UGC 10420.
galaxies: evolution,galaxies: fundamental parameters,galaxies: star formation,galaxies: individual: UGC 10420
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