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An Unfolding OB Case Study: Connecting Classroom and Simulation

Teaching and learning in nursing(2023)

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Obtaining clinical sites for specialty areas such as obstetrics can be challenging. Multiple factors can influence the availability of these sites and the experience nursing students receive. The lack of a clinical experience in obstetrics prevents students the opportunity to apply challenging didactic content. In order to provide a meaningful obstetrical clinical experience, the unfolding case study from the classroom was replicated in simulation. Student responses from post-simulation surveys had more than 97% of students (n = 33) who agreed or strongly agreed they felt more confident in nursing assessment skills after participating in the simulation. Utilizing an unfolding case study from classroom to simulation can be an effective way to augment specialized clinical experiences for prelicensure students. Described here is an overview of the interactive class activities, simulation scenarios, student feedback, and changes made prior to the second year.(c) 2022 Organization for Associate Degree Nursing. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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Nursing,Obstetrical clinical,Simulation,Team -based learning,Unfolding case study
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