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Probing the Sub-Parsec Dust of a Supermassive Black Hole with the Tidal Disruption Event AT 2020Mot


Las Cumbres Observ | Tel Aviv Univ | MIT Kavli Inst Astrophys s & Space Res | Harvard & Smithsonian

Cited 1|Views45
AT 2020mot is a typical UV/optical tidal disruption event (TDE) with no radio or X-ray signatures in a quiescent host. We find an i -band excess and rebrightening along the decline of the light curve which could be due to two consecutive dust echoes from the TDE. We model our observations following van Velzen et al. and find that the near-infrared light curve can be explained by concentric rings of thin dust within ∼0.1 pc of a ∼6 × 10 ^6 M _⊙ supermassive black hole (SMBH), among the smallest scales at which dust has been inferred near SMBHs. We find dust covering factors of order f _c ≤ 2%, much lower than found for dusty tori of active galactic nuclei. These results highlight the potential of TDEs for uncovering the environments around black holes when including near-infrared observations in high-cadence transient studies.
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Binary Black Hole
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要点】:论文通过研究UV/光学潮汐破坏事件AT 2020mot,发现了一个超大质量黑洞周围亚秒差距尘埃的证据,并通过模型确认了由接近0.1pc的尘埃环组成的结构,其创新点在于揭示了在活跃 galactic nuclei 中发现的尘埃覆盖因素要低得多,强调了TDE在揭示黑洞周围环境方面的潜力。

方法】:研究采用了对AT 2020mot事件的观测数据进行模型拟合的方法。

实验】:通过对AT 2020mot事件的i波段数据进行分析,发现光曲线中的i波段过剩和重新明亮现象,可能是由于两次连续的尘埃回声造成的。使用van Velzen等人提出的方法对观测数据进行建模,结果表明在接近6x10^6 M⊙质量的超大质量黑洞周围约0.1pc范围内存在同心尘埃环。实验使用了接近0.1pc的尘埃环模型,并得出了尘埃覆盖因素约为2%的结论。