Motivation to Use Fitness Application for Improving Physical Activity among Hispanic Users: the Pivotal Role of Interactivity and Relatedness.

Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(2023)

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Is the current state of fitness applications effective at motivating and satisfying the needs of Hispanic users? With most mHealth research conducted with a predominantly white population, the answer to this question is lacking. In this study, we address this question through a survey study with Hispanic users of fitness applications (N= 211) and use the Motivational Technology Model (MTM) and Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as theoretical frameworks. We found that using interactivity features is essential to inspire more autonomous forms of motivation to use fitness applications. This is because interactivity helps satisfy users’ needs for relatedness. However, interactivity also decreased autonomy and competence suggesting the need to design fitness applications that increase relatedness without compromising autonomy. Implications for the design of fitness applications for the population at large and Hispanics, in particular, are discussed.
mHealth,fitness motivation,motivational technology,self-determination,fitness application
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