
Physiological traits and expression profile of genes associated with nitrogen and phosphorous use efficiency in wheat

Molecular biology reports(2023)

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Background Nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) play a very important role in the growth and development of wheat as well as major constituents of biological membranes. To meet the plant’s nutritional demand these nutrients are applied in the form of fertilizers. But the plant can utilize only half of the applied fertilizer whereas the rest is lost through surface runoff, leaching and volatilization. Thus, to overcome the N/P loss we need to elucidate the molecular mechanism behind the N/P uptake. Methods In our study, we used DBW16 (low NUE), and WH147 (high NUE) wheat genotypes under different doses of N, whereas HD2967 (low PUE) and WH1100 (high PUE) genotypes were studied under different doses of P. To check the effect of different doses of N/P, the physiological parameters like total chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, N/P content, and N/PUE of these genotypes were calculated. In addition, gene expression of various genes involved in N uptake, utilization, and acquisition such as Nitrite reductase ( NiR ), Nitrate transporter 1/Peptide transporter family ( NPF2.4/2.5 ), Nitrate transporter ( NRT1 ) and NIN Like Protein ( NLP ) and induced phosphate starvation ( IPS ), Phosphate Transporter ( PHT1.7 ) and Phosphate 2 ( PHO2 ) acquisition was studied by quantitative real-time PCR. Results Statistical analysis revealed a lower percent reduction in TCC, NPR, and N/P content in N/P efficient wheat genotypes (WH147 & WH1100). A significant increase in relative fold expression of genes under low N/P concentration was observed in N/P efficient genotypes as compared to N/P deficient genotypes. Conclusion Significant differences in physiological data and gene expression among N/ P efficient and deficient wheat genotypes could be useful for future improvement of N/P use efficiency.
Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE),Phosphorous use efficiency (PUE),qRT-PCR
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