Search for octupolar order in NpO2 by neutron powder diffraction

Journal of Solid State Chemistry(2023)

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The magnetic structure of neptunium dioxide (NpO2) remains a mystery despite decades of research. We revisited the search for magnetic ordering in NpO2 by performing a powder neutron diffraction experiment at low temperatures and relatively large values of Q. Diffraction data were collected for 300 ​mK, 15 ​K, and 35 ​K to understand the phase transition near 25 ​K. However, no significant changes in the neutron diffraction pattern were identified. Using the octupolar magnetic form factor j6, the maximum theoretical expected value of the magnetic moment (3.27 μB), the calculated magnetic Bragg peak intensities would not be observable in neutron powder diffraction data. This value is much larger than the previously estimated magnetic moment of ∼0.1 μB. Supported by experimental results, these calculations suggest that unpolarized neutron powder diffraction is unsuitable for measuring octupolar ordering in NpO2.
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Neutron scattering,High flux isotope reactor,Actinide,Magnetism,Neptunium
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