
Reversed distal laterodigital adipofascial flap for nail-bed reconstruction

Pietro F. Delle Femmine,Edoardo Bruno,Daniele Tosi, Gaetano Musumarra,Federico Amadei,Diego Ribuffo,Massimo Del Bene


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Background: Lesions of the distal phalanges of the fingers frequently involve the nail bed. There are few therapeutic options for nail-bed reconstruction and they often lead to painful scars and onychodystrophy. We present our experience with the distal adipofascial laterodigital reverse flap. Methods: Fifteen patients (average age 46.33 years, range 28- 73) with tumors or traumatic injuries (crush injuries, nail avulsion, and partial fingertip amputations) of the nail bed, underwent digital reconstruction through the distal adipofascial laterodigital reverse flap from June 2018 to August 2019. The size of the fingertip defect covered with the flap was ranged between 1.1 x 1.1 and 1.6 x 1.2 cm (average size 1.4 x 1.2 cm). The flap was harvested enrolling subcutaneous tissue from the lateral aspect of the middle and distal phalanx from the less damaged side. Results: The average size of the harvested flaps was 1.3 x 1.2 cm (range 1.1 x 1.0 to 1.4 x 1.1 cm). All adipofascial flaps survived entirely and the nail bed healed in all patients, with an average healing time of 21 days and a subsequent regrowth of the nail. The follow up ranged from 6 to 12 months, with a mean of 7 months. Conclusions: The distal reverse adipofascial flap provides a very versatile and reliable coverage of the distal finger and its nail bed. It is a rapid and reproducible surgical procedure with poor morbidity for the donor site. Level of Evidence: IV.
distal laterodigital adipofascial flap,reconstruction
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