
A Multi-Sensor Optical Relative Navigation System for Small Satellite Servicing

Acta astronautica(2023)

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This paper presents an innovative multi-sensor relative navigation module conceived to enable close-proximity operations for on-orbit servicing of small satellites. The module is composed of a Near-Infrared Laser Range Finder, acting both as range measurer and illuminator, and a monocular camera able to detect a set of reflecting fiducial markers installed on the target for pose estimation. Sensor fusion is performed in several points of the proposed processing pipeline, first following a cross-cueing logic in which the range aids the pose determination process, and later through the integration of both measurements into a Multiplicative Extended Kalman Filter for relative state estimation. The entire relative navigation architecture is first tested by numerically reproducing a close-range rendezvous trajectory of a chaser spacecraft moving toward the target, and using the open-source software Blender for synthetic image generation. Simulations are aimed at determining nominal relative state estimation accuracy (also considering variable sensors' acquisition rates) as well as performance under non -nominal conditions (e.g., due to a temporary loss of measurements). Focusing on the image processing and pose estimation pipeline, an in-depth analysis of the computational efficiency is then carried out by running the proposed algorithms on an embedded processing unit (i.e., the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B) using both synthetic data and real images collected within a dedicated experimental testbed. Numerical and experimental results demonstrate capability to attain pose and relative state estimates in line with accuracy requirements to ensure autonomous and safe close-proximity operations, e.g., up to sub-cm and sub-degree error levels in relative po-sition and attitude respectively. In addition, the algorithm's computational runtime has shown to be compatible with real-time implementation at an acquisition frequency of 2 Hz.
On-orbit servicing,Close-proximity operations,CubeSat,Spacecraft relative navigation,Sensor fusion,Visual-based pose estimation,Laser range finder
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