
Mass occurrence of echinoids in an Oligocene hydrocarbon-seep limestone from the Olympic Peninsula, Washington State, USA


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Loose limestone blocks of a newly recognized hydrocarbon-seep deposit from the lower Oligocene Jansen Creek Member of the Makah Formation were collected on a beach terrace close to the mouth of Bullman Creek in Washington State, USA. The limestone consists largely of authigenic carbonate phases, including C-13-depleted fibrous cement forming banded and botryoidal crystal aggregates with delta C-13 values as low as -23.5 parts per thousand. Lipids extracted from the limestone yielded molecular fossils of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME), dominated by compounds of an ANME-2/DSS consortium with delta C-13 values as low as -106 parts per thousand, indicating formation at an ancient methane seep. The fossil inventory of the seep deposit is remarkable, consisting almost solely of echinoid remains, whereas typical seep biota are absent. Varying preservation of the echinoid fossils indicates parautochthonous deposition, corroborated by evidence for high fluid flow at the ancient seep, possibly responsible for displacement of echinoids after death. Although a full taxonomic description of the echinoids cannot be given, almost all fossils were assigned to one taxon of irregular spatangoids, except for a single regular echinoid. Abundance and lifestyle of the irregular spatangoids in the Bullman Creek echinoid seep deposit resemble those of the fossil Tithonia oxfordiana from an upper Jurassic seep deposit in France and extant Sarsiaster griegii from modern seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. The Bullman Creek echinoid deposit probably represents a fossil analogue of the Gulf of Mexico Sarsiaster mass occurrence, indicating that the adaptation of spatangoid echinoids to chemosynthesis-based ecosystems ranges back at least to the earliest Oligocene.
Echinoidea,spatangoids,methanotrophic archaea,chemosynthesis,lipid biomarkers,Makah Formation
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