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Benchmarking the Drude Polarizable Force Field Using the r(GACC) Tetranucleotide.

Journal of chemical information and modeling(2023)

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Polarizable force fields, in particular, the Drude polarizable force field (Drude FF), may hold the key to more accurately modeling biomolecules with molecular dynamics simulations by explicitly accounting for atomic polarizability. Previous work has shown promising results in simulating duplex nucleic acids and protein structures with excellent agreement with experimental values. However, benchmarking the Drude polarizable force field with highly flexible, single-stranded structures has yet to be achieved. In this work, the r(GACC) tetranucleotide is simulated over a multimicrosecond time scale, starting with various different initial conformations. Despite the starting conformation, including starting from the expected dominant A-form major conformation, the experimental structural distribution is not matched. In fact, the major NMR conformation is never resampled. Instead, the r(GACC) tetranucleotide becomes stabilized in anomalous structures that are inconsistent with the NMR data and that favor base-pairing and electrostatic interactions over base stacking. These structures are maintained for lengthy time scales (>1 μs) themselves, suggesting a misbalance of forces in the Drude polarizable force field itself. This model system is suggestive of the fact that currently the Drude polarizable force field does not appear to produce the sensitive balance of forces required to accurately model other single-stranded or noncanonical RNA structures.
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drude polarizable force field
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