
The Extracellular Matrix in Glioblastomas: A Glance at Its Structural Modifications in Shaping the Tumoral Microenvironment—A Systematic Review


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Background and aim: While many components of the ECM have been isolated and characterized, its modifications in the specific setting of GBMs have only been recently explored in the literature. The aim of this paper is to provide a systematic review on the topic and to assess the ECM’s role in shaping tumoral development. Methods: An online literature search was launched on PubMed/Medline and Scopus using the research string “((Extracellular matrix OR ECM OR matrix receptor OR matrix proteome) AND (glioblastoma OR GBM) AND (tumor invasion OR tumor infiltration))”, and a systematic review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA-P guidelines. Results: The search of the literature yielded a total of 693 results. The duplicate records were then removed (n = 13), and the records were excluded via a title and abstract screening; 137 studies were found to be relevant to our research question and were assessed for eligibility. Upon a full-text review, 59 articles were finally included and were summarized as follows based on their focus: (1) proteoglycans; (2) fibrillary proteins, which were further subdivided into the three subcategories of collagen, fibronectin, and laminins; (3) glycoproteins; (4) degradative enzymes; (5) physical forces; (6) and glioma cell and microglia migratory and infiltrative patterns. Conclusions: Our systematic review demonstrates that the ECM should not be regarded anymore as a passive scaffold statically contributing to mechanical support in normal and pathological brain tissue but as an active player in tumor-related activity.
glioblastoma,extracellular matrix,cancer,tumor microenvironment
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