
Detecting Emotional Prosody in Real Words: Electrophysiological Evidence from a Multi-Feature Oddball Paradigm


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Purpose: Emotional voice conveys important social cues that demand listeners’ attention and timely processing. This event-related potential study investigated the feasibility of a multi-feature oddball paradigm to examine adult listeners’ neural responses to detecting emotional prosody changes in non-repeating naturally spoken words. Method: Thirty-three adult listeners completed the experiment by passively listening to the words in neutral and three alternating emotions while watching a silent movie. Previous research documented pre-attentive change-detection electrophysiological responses (e.g., MMN, P3a) to emotions carried by fixed syllables or words. Given that the MMN and P3a have also been shown to reflect extraction of abstract regularities over repetitive acoustic patterns, the current study employed a multi-feature oddball paradigm to compare listeners’ MMN and P3a to emotional prosody change from neutral to angry, happy, and sad emotions delivered with hundreds of non-repeating words in a single recording session. Results: Both MMN and P3a were successfully elicited by the emotional prosodic change over the varying linguistic context. Angry prosody elicited the strongest MMN compared to happy and sad prosodies. Happy prosody elicited the strongest P3a in the centro-frontal electrodes, and angry prosody elicited the smallest P3a. Conclusions: The results demonstrated that listeners were able to extract the acoustic patterns for each emotional prosody category over constantly changing spoken words. The findings confirm the feasibility of the multi-feature oddball paradigm in investigating emotional speech processing beyond simple acoustic change detection, which may potentially be applied to pediatric and clinical populations.
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