Nonaqueous Magnetization Following Adiabatic and Selective Pulses in Brain: T1 and Cross-Relaxation Dynamics

NMR in biomedicine(2023)

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Inversion pulses are commonly employed in MRI for T-1-weighted contrast and relaxation measurements. In the brain, it is often assumed that adiabatic pulses saturate the nonaqueous magnetization. We investigated this assumption using solid-state NMR to monitor the nonaqueous signal directly following adiabatic inversion and compared this with signals following hard and soft inversion pulses. The effects of the different preparations on relaxation dynamics were explored. Inversion recovery experiments were performed on ex vivo bovine and porcine brains using 360-MHz (8.4 T) and 200-MHz (4.7 T) NMR spectrometers, respectively, using broadband rectangular, adiabatic, and sinc inversion pulses as well as a long rectangular saturation pulse. Analogous human brain MRI experiments were performed at 3 T using single slice echo-planar imaging. Relaxation data were fitted by mono-and biexponential decay models. Further fitting analysis was performed using only two inversion delay times. Adiabatic and sinc inversion left much of the nonaqueous magnetization along B-0 and resulted in biexponential relaxation. Saturation of both aqueous and non aqueous magnetization components led to effectively monoexponential T-1 relaxation. Typical adiabatic inversion pulses do not, as has been widely assumed, saturate the nonaqueous proton magnetization in white matter. Unequal magnetization states in aqueous and nonaqueous H-1 reservoirs prepared by soft and adiabatic pulses result in biexponential T-1 relaxation. Both pools must be prepared in the same magnetization state (e.g., saturated or inverted) in order to observe consistent mono exponential relaxation.
longitudinal relaxation,magnetization exchange,T(1~)measurement,white matter
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