
Novel Electronic Health Records-based Consultation Workflow Improves Time to Operating Room for Vascular Surgery Patients in an Acute Setting

John Iguidbashian, Zhixin Lun,Kyle Bata,Robert W. King, Lauren Gunn-Sandell, Derek Crosby, Kristin Stoebner, David Tharp, C. T. Lin,Ethan Cumbler,Jennifer Wiler,Jeniann Yi

Annals of vascular surgery(2023)

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Background: Inefficient clinical workflows can have downstream effects of increased costs, poor resource utilization, and worse patient outcomes. The surgical consultation process can be complex with unclear communication, potentially delaying care for patients requiring time -sensitive intervention in an acute setting. A novel electronic health records (EHR)-based work-flow was implemented to improve the consultation process. After implementation, we assessed the impact of this initiative in patients requiring vascular surgery consultation. Methods: An EHR-driven consultation workflow was implemented at a single institution, stan-dardizing the process across all consulting services. This order-initiated workflow automated notification to clinicians of consult requests, communication of patient data, patient addition to consultants' lists, and tracking consult completion. Preimplementation (1/1/2020-1/31/2022) and postimplementation (2/1/2022-12/4/2022) vascular surgery consultation cohorts were compared to evaluate the impact of this initiative on timeliness of care. Results: There were 554 inpatient vascular surgery consultations (255 preimplementation and 299 postimplementation); 45 and 76 consults required surgery before and after implementation, respectively. The novel workflow resulted in placement of a consult note 32 min faster than pre -implementation (preimplementation: 462 min, postimplementation: 430 min, P = 0.001) for all vascular surgery consults. Furthermore, vascular surgery patients with ASA class III or IV status requiring an urgent or emergent operation were transported to the operating room 63.3% faster after implementation of the workflow (preimplementation: 284 min, postimplementation: 180 min, P = 0.02). There were no differences in procedure duration, postoperative disposition, or intra-operative complication rates. Conclusions: We implemented a novel workflow utilizing the EHR to standardize and automate the consultation process in the acute inpatient setting. This institutional initiative significantly improved timeliness of care for vascular surgery patients, including decreased time to operation. Innovations such as this can be further disseminated across shared EHR platforms across insti-tutions, representing a powerful tool to increase the value of care in vascular surgery and health-care overall.
Electronic Consultations,Electronic Health Records,Patient Sharing,Patient Outcomes,Healthcare Evaluation
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