Proof-of-Concept Study of Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Self-Care and Glycemic Control in Type 1 Diabetes Patients on Insulin Pump Therapy.

Endocrine Practice(2023)

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Objective: Using supervised machine learning algorithms (SMLAs), we built models to predict the probability of type 1 diabetes mellitus patients on insulin pump therapy for meeting insulin pump self-management behavioral (IPSMB) criteria and achieving good glycemic response within 6 months.Methods: This was a single-center retrospective chart review of 100 adult type 1 diabetes mellitus patients on insulin pump therapy (& GE;6 months). Three SMLAs were deployed: multivariable logistic regression (LR), random forest (RF), and K-nearest neighbor (k-NN); validated using repeated three-fold cross-validation. Performance metrics included area under the curve-Receiver of characteristics for discrimination and Brier scores for calibration.Results: Variables predictive of adherence with IPSMB criteria were baseline hemoglobin A1c, continuous glucose monitoring, and sex. The models had comparable discriminatory power (LR = 0.74; RF = 0.74; k-NN = 0.72), with the RF model showing better calibration (Brier = 0.151). Predictors of the good glycemic response included baseline hemoglobin A1c, entering carbohydrates, and following the recommended bolus dose, with models comparable in discriminatory power (LR = 0.81, RF = 0.80, k-NN = 0.78) but the RF model being better calibrated (Brier = 0.099).Conclusion: These proof-of-concept analyses demonstrate the feasibility of using SMLAs to develop clinically relevant predictive models of adherence with IPSMB criteria and glycemic control within 6 months. Subject to further study, nonlinear prediction models may perform better.& COPY; 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the AACE.
insulin pump,Diabetes type 1,behaviors,self-care,machine learning,prediction models
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