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BRAND—A Detection System for Β-Decay Correlation Measurement

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment(2022)

Polish Acad Sci | M. Smoluchowski Institute of Physics | North Carolina State Univ | Katholieke Univ Leuven | J Gutenberg Univ | Jagiellonian Univ | Inst Laue Langevin

Cited 0|Views33
The BRAND experiment aims at the search of Beyond Standard Model (BSM) physics via measurement of exotic components of the weak interaction. For this purpose, eleven correlation coefficients of neutron β-decay will be measured simultaneously. The BRAND detection system is oriented for the registration of charged products of β-decay of polarized, free neutrons. With the measurement of the four-momenta of electron and proton, the complete kinematic of the decay will be determined. Moreover, the transverse spin component of the electron, which is the crucial observable to probe BSM exotic components of weak interaction, will be measured via Mott scattering. The electron detection system features both tracking and energy measurement capability. It is also responsible for the determination of the electron spin orientation. A challenging detection of low-energy protons from the β-decay is performed with a system, which involves the acceleration and subsequent conversion of protons into bunches of electrons. To test the feasibility of the proposed experimental techniques, a small-scale prototype setup was installed at the cold neutron beam facility PF1B at the Laue-Langevin Institute (ILL) in Grenoble, France. In this contribution, the preliminary results of the commissioning run are presented with an emphasis on the performance of individual parts of the detection system.
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Key words
Neutron decay,Cold neutrons,fl-decay,Correlation coefficients,Electron polarization
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