
The Spid-X Gamma Camera: A Miniature Gamma Ray Integral Field Spectrometer for Nuclear Industry Applications

R. Le Breton,O. Limousin,G. Daniel, D. Diquelou, Y. Gutierrez, J. - Hullo, J. -P Paupe, V. Mogear, P. Serrano,G. Tauzin, A. Vanel,M. -C Vassal, M. Brunet

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment(2023)

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In the framework of the ALB3DO joint laboratory, CEA/IRFU and the French company 3D PLUS are developing a gamma camera with coded mask aperture and Compton imaging capabilities: Spid-X. It is the last generation gamma camera in a more than two decades history of gamma camera developments at CEA/IRFU, made commercially available by industrial partners. It is designed to have improved spectrometry and imaging capabilities compared to the previous generations. Spid-X is an integral-field spectrometer which allows for spectro-identification and imaging in the nuclear domain from 2 keV up to 2 MeV. It is based on the Caliste technology, with single planar CdTe semiconductor detector and low noise ASICs, and which is originating from research and development for space astronomy and high-energy solar observation. A dedicated version of Caliste has been successfully launched on the STIX spectrometer onboard the Solar Orbiter satellite. The aim of Spid-X is to perform in real time the four following functions: automatic identification of radioisotopes, proportion measurement in case of multiple detections, imaging, and dosimetry at the camera level. Thanks to all these features available in only one device, Spid-X will be very useful device for applications in the nuclear industry, such as monitoring and waste management. The development plan of Spid-X is based on a series of successive prototypes. In this contribution, along with a complete overview of the system, we present the first light of Spid-X as well as first performance results in spectrometry and imaging.
Gamma camera,Instrumentation,Spectrometry,Compton imaging,Coded mask,CdTe,Spid-X,IDeF-X,Caliste-HD,Caliste-O,Spectro-identification,Artificial intelligence,Dosimetry,Nuclear industry,Astrophysics,X-ray
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