
General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) in Simple Language: Internal Consistency, Standard Values and Correlations with Demographic Variables in a Representative German Sample

Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, medizinische Psychologie(2023)

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Background Approximately 6,2 million people with limited literacy live in Germany. They are unable to communicate in written language beyond single sentences and thus experience limited social participation in many everyday areas. In addition, they are also excluded from participation in survey-based social science research.Method In order to enable persons with limited literacy to participate in written surveys, existing questionnaires need to be converted to easy language and their psychometric quality needs to be reexamined. We went through this process for the Self-Efficacy Expectancy (SWE) questionnaire and tested the new scale in easy language (SWE-LS) on a representative sample of the German population aged 14 years and older (N=2,531).Results The SWE-LS scale showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's-Alpha=0,84) and adequate item difficulty and discriminatory power. We found correlations consistent with expectations for the demographic variables surveyed. Thus, men and persons with higher education and higher income showed significantly higher self-efficacy expectations. The effect was also evident for East Germans versus West Germans, married persons living together versus separated, unmarried, or persons living as singles.Discussion Compared to the original SWE scale, the SWE-LS scale in easy language has no methodological disadvantages. The additional effort of linguistic adaptation and renewed psychometric testing is thus directly offset by enabling participation in survey-based research by over 12% of the adult population. A systematic translation of particularly frequently used questionnaires or those that do not concern fundamental research but research areas in which demographic variables themselves are part of the research object would be desirable.
belonging,easy language,inclusion,self esteem,questionnaire
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