
Molecular and Kinetic Properties of Copper Nitrite Reductase from Sinorhizobium Meliloti 2011 Upon Substituting the Interfacial Histidine Ligand Coordinated to the Type 2 Copper Active Site for Glycine.

Journal of inorganic biochemistry(2023)

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A copper-containing nitrite reductase catalyzes the reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide in the denitrifier Sino-rhizobium meliloti 2011 (SmNirK), a microorganism used as bioinoculant in alfalfa seeds. Wild type SmNirK is a homotrimer that contains two copper centers per monomer, one of type 1 (T1) and other of type 2 (T2). T2 is at the interface of two monomers in a distorted square pyramidal coordination bonded to a water molecule and three histidine side chains, H171 and H136 from one monomer and H342 from the other. We report the mo-lecular, catalytic, and spectroscopic properties of the SmNirK variant H342G, in which the interfacial H342 T2 ligand is substituted for glycine. The molecular properties of H342G are similar to those of wild type SmNirK. Fluorescence-based thermal shift assays and FTIR studies showed that the structural effect of the mutation is only marginal. However, the kinetic reaction with the physiological electron donor was significantly affected, which showed a similar to 100-fold lower turnover number compared to the wild type enzyme. UV-Vis, EPR and FTIR studies complemented with computational calculations indicated that the drop in enzyme activity are mainly due to the void generated in the protein substrate channel by the point mutation. The main structural changes involve the filling of the void with water molecules, the direct coordination to T2 copper ion of the second sphere aspartic acid ligand, a key residue in catalysis and nitrite sensing in NirK, and to the loss of the 3 N-O coordination of T2.
Nitrite reductase,Copper,Enzyme kinetic,EPR,FTIR,Computational calculation
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