
Interplay of Polarizations in a Cascade EIT System in the Presence of Vortex Coupling Light in 87rb Atomic Vapor Medium

New journal of physics(2023)

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We investigate both experimentally and theoretically the cascade electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in 5S(1/2) - 5P(3/2) - 5D(5/2) configuration in Rb-87 atomic vapor medium in the presence of vortex coupling Laguerre Gaussian (LG) light. We demonstrated Doppler free double resonance EIT structure in cascade configuration and observed transmission spectra for |H(sic) - |H(sic) and sigma(+) - sigma(+) polarized probe and coupling lights. We demonstrate that the double resonance structure can be identified by two photon transition probabilities and it is found to be F '' = 2 and F '' = 3. By considering coupling LG light, several polarization combinations are taken into account, and their effects on amplifying and diminishing the EIT resonances are demonstrated experimentally. In order to understand the polarization effects of vortex coupling light on EIT spectrum in a degenerate multilevel atomic system, a theoretical model is developed by considering a simplified double hut level structure. Semi-classical density matrix analysis is used to understand the dynamics and also to establish the enhancement and reduction of EIT peak height with coupling light polarizations. The impact of two photon transition probabilities, polarization combinations and relative orientations of probe and coupling lights in degenerate multilevel atomic systems leads to modification of EIT resonances significantly. We establish quantitative agreement between our theory and experimental results.
Electromagnetically induced transparency,vortex beam,polarization,Rb-87
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