Influence of wavelength and accumulated fluence at picosecond laser-induced surface roughening of copper on secondary electron yield


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Ultrashort-pulse laser processing of copper is performed in air to reduce the secondary electron yield (SEY). By UV (355 nm), green (532 nm), and IR (1064 nm) laser-light induced surface modification, this study investigates the influence of the most relevant experimental parameters, such as laser power, scanning speed, and scanning line distance (represented as accumulated fluence) on the ablation depth, surface oxidation, topography, and ultimately on the SEY. Increasing the accumulated laser fluence results in a gradual change from a Cu 2O to a CuO-dominated surface with deeper micrometer trenches, higher density of redeposited surface particles from the plasma phase, and a reduced SEY. While the surface modifications are less pronounced for IR radiation at low accumulated fluence ( < 1000 J/cm (2)), analogous results are obtained for all wavelengths when reaching the nonlinear absorption regime, for which the SEY maximum converges to 0.7. Furthermore, independent of the extent of the structural transformations, an electron-induced surface conditioning at 250 eV allows a reduction of the SEY maximum below unity at doses of 5x10(-4) C/mm( 2). Consequently, optimization of processing parameters for application in particle accelerators can be obtained for a sufficiently low SEY at controlled ablation depth and surface particle density, which are factors that limit the surface impedance and the applicability of the material processing for ultrahigh vacuum systems. The relations between processing parameters and surface features will provide guidance in treating the surface of vacuum components, especially beam screens of selected magnets of the Large Hadron Collider or of future colliders.
surface roughening,copper,laser-induced
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