Role of Modified Cloud Microphysics Parameterization in Coupled Climate Model for Studying ISM Rainfall: Small-Scale Cloud Model and Climate Model Work Better Together


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An unresolved problem of present generation coupled climate models is the realistic distribution of rainfall over Indian monsoon region, which is also related to the persistent dry bias over Indian land mass. Therefore, quantitative prediction of the intensity of rainfall events has remained a challenge for the state-of-the-art global coupled models. Guided by the observation, it is hypothesized that insufficient growth of cloud droplets and processes responsible for the cloud to rain water conversion are key components to distinguish between shallow to convective clouds. The new diffusional growth rates and relative dispersion based autoconversion from the Eulerian-Lagrangian particleby-particle based small-scale model provide a pathway to revisit the parameterizations in climate models for monsoon clouds. The realistic information of cloud drop size distribution is incorporated in the microphysical parameterization scheme of climate model. Two sensitivity simulations are conducted using coupled forecast system (CFSv2) model. When our physically based small-scale derived modified parameterization is used, a coupled climate model simulates the probability distribution (PDF) of rainfall and accompanying specific humidity, liquid water content, and outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR) with increasing accuracy. The improved simulation of rainfall PDF appears to have been aided by much improved simulation of OLR and resulted better simulation of the ISM rainfall.
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