
Protein-based Salivary Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences(2023)

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Objective:This systematic review and meta-analysis was aimed at determining differentially expressed protein-based biomarkers detectable in the saliva for the diagnosis of major periodontal diseases. Methods:A literature review was conducted through January 31, 2022. The methodological quality and risk of bias were assessed with the Newcastle-Ottawa scale for case-control studies. Heterogeneity among studies was analysed with the Q statistical test and the I2 test. p-values lower than 0.10 and I2 values higher than 50% indicated high heterogeneity among studies; therefore, the random-effects model was used. The analysis of biological pathways associated with the differentially expressed protein markers was performed with the STITCH integration analysis tool and was limited to interactions with high confidence levels (0.7). Results:Of all protein-based biomarkers detected, 12 were suitable for meta-analysis: IL-1β, MIP-1α, albumin, TNF-α, ICTP, Ig-A, lactoferrin, MMP-8, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17 and PGE2. The salivary markers with high applicability were IL-1β for differentiating patients with chronic periodontal disease from patients with gingivitis with an OE = 73.5 pg/mL; ICTP for differentiating patients with chronic periodontal disease from healthy control patients with an OE = 0.091 ng/mL; and PGE2 for differentiating patients with chronic periodontal disease from healthy control patients with an OE = 36.3 pg/mL. Conclusions:The biomarkers with the highest differential expression and the greatest potential for clinical applicability are IL-1β for differentiating periodontitis from gingivitis, and ICTP and PGE2 for differentiating periodontitis from healthy status.
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