
Atmospheric and oceanic influences on the hydrological scenarium southern Brazil in relation to extreme events observed in 2022


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<p>After a long period of drought experienced in South America, which began in 2019 and lasted until 2021 for the southern region of Brazil, the hydrological scenario of this region presented positive precipitation anomalies throughout the year 2022. That anomalies resulted in the increase in the flow observed in the main river basins of the southern region of Brazil, which wanted to recover the storage volume of the reservoirs and social activities and ingestion, in addition to the occurrence of extreme events at Igua&#231;u Falls. Precipitation in the southern region of South America, especially in Brazil, is the result of different climatic phenomena. Its latitudinal (tropical) location means that this region is influenced by frontal systems, polar masses, Mesoscale Convective Complex (MCC) systems, and South Atlantic Convergence Zones (SACZ). In addition to also being influenced by the El Ni&#241;o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, which is associated with changes in the normal patterns of Sea Surface Temperature and trade winds in the Equatorial Pacific region, the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), and others atmospheric and oceanic systems on global scales. This work presents a discussion about the anomalies in the atmosphere (geopotential height 250 hPa) and an analysis of the climatic phenomena that may have contributed to the precipitation anomalies observed during the months of May to October 2022.</p>
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