Lithospheric Controls on the Distribution of Porphyry Copper Deposits


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<p>Lithospheric structure in subduction settings controls the distribution of thermal, compositional and rheological interfaces.&#160; It therefore plays a key role in the generation, fractionation and transport of subduction-related melts that are a vital ingredient of the formation of porphyry copper deposits.&#160; Renewed efforts to understand the linkage between lithospheric structure and the location, grade and endowment of porphyry copper deposits has raised the possibility of using crustal and lithospheric mantle structure as an exploration tool.&#160; One example is a suggested relationship between the genesis of porphyry copper deposits &#8211; known to be associated with evolved, silica-rich magmas &#8211; and the thickness of the crust.&#160; Here, using a new compilation of spot measurements, we explore the utility of crustal thickness as an exploration tool for porphyry copper deposits.</p>
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