
Role of the Gradient Slope During the Product Internal Recycling for the Multicolumn Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification of PEGylated Proteins.

Journal of chromatography A/Journal of chromatography(2023)

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Protein PEGylation, i.e. functionalization with poly(ethylene glycol) chains, has been demonstrated an ef-ficient way to improve the therapeutic index of these biopharmaceuticals. We demonstrated that Multi -column Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification (MCSGP) is an efficient process for the separation of PEGylated proteins (Kim et al., Ind. and Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 29, 10764-10776), thanks to the internal recycling of product-containing side fractions. This recycling phase plays a critical role in the economy of MCSGP as it avoids wasting valuable product, but at the same time impacts its productivity extending the overall process duration. In this study, our aim is to elucidate the role of the gradient slope within this recycling stage on the yield and productivity of MCSGP for two case-studies: PEGylated lysozyme and an industrially relevant PEGylated protein. While all the examples of MCSGP in the literature refer to a single gradient slope in the elution phase, for the first time we systematically investigate three differ-ent gradient configurations: i) a single gradient slope throughout the entire elution, ii) recycling with an increased gradient slope, to shed light on the competition between volume of the recycled fraction and required inline dilution and iii) an isocratic elution during the recycling phase. The dual gradient elution proved to be a valuable solution for boosting the recovery of high-value products, with the potential for alleviating the pressure on the upstream processing.(c) 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Continuous chromatography,Multicolumn countercurrent chromatography,MCSGP,PEGylated protein,Dual slope
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