Applying Machine Learning Classifiers to Automate Quality Assessment of Paediatric Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC-) MRI Data

˜The œBritish journal of radiology/British journal of radiology(2023)

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Objective: Investigate the performance of qualita-tive review (QR) for assessing dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC-) MRI data quality in paediatric normal brain and develop an automated alternative to QR.Methods: 1027 signal-time courses were assessed by Reviewer 1 using QR. 243 were additionally assessed by Reviewer 2 and % disagreements and Cohen's kappa (kappa) were calculated. The signal drop -to -noise ratio (SDNR), root mean square error (RMSE), full width half maximum (FWHM) and percentage signal recovery (PSR) were calculated for the 1027 signal-time courses. Data quality thresholds for each measure were determined using QR results. The measures and QR results trained machine learning classifiers. Sensitivity, specificity, precision, clas-sification error and area under the curve from a receiver operating characteristic curve were calculated for each threshold and classifier.Results: Comparing reviewers gave 7% disagreements and kappa = 0.83. Data quality thresholds of: 7.6 for SDNR; 0.019 for RMSE; 3 s and 19 s for FWHM; and 42.9 and 130.4% for PSR were produced. SDNR gave the best sensitivity, specificity, precision, classification error and area under the curve values of 0.86, 0.86, 0.93, 14.2% and 0.83. Random forest was the best machine learning classifier, giving sensitivity, specificity, precision, classifi-cation error and area under the curve of 0.94, 0.83, 0.93, 9.3% and 0.89.Conclusion: The reviewers showed good agreement. Machine learning classifiers trained on signal-time course measures and QR can assess quality. Combining multiple measures reduces misclassification. Advances in knowledge: A new automated quality control method was developed, which trained machine learning classifiers using QR results.
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