
Assessment of Sources, Environmental, Ecological, and Health Risks of Potentially Toxic Elements in Urban Dust of Moscow Megacity, Russia.


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Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in urban dust of Moscow megacity and related risks have been studied. 78 samples were collected in the Moscow downtown in sites with different anthropogenic load, namely, major highways, residential area, and recreation zones. The concentrations of PTEs in urban dust were determined by ICP-MS and ICP-AES. Then, environmental, ecological and health risks of PTEs in urban dust were assessed. In addition, potential sources of PTEs in dust were identified. It is shown that Moscow dust is mainly contaminated by Sb, Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Sn, and Mo, which according to the data of principal component and correlation analyses can be attributed to anthropogenic sources (non-exhaust vehicle emissions). Potential ecological risk factor demonstrates that Cu, Mo, and Cd have moderate potential ecological risks in 13% of studied area, while Sb has this risk in 62% of area. Potential ecological risk indices indicate that 41% of studied territory is of moderate ecological risk. Concerning the human risks through ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation pathways, PTEs in Moscow dust have no significant non-carcinogenic risks for adults. However, the value of total hazard index for children is 1.8 showing that non-carcinogenic risks may occur. Moreover, possible carcinogenic risks caused by Cr are evaluated. The finding of the present study can be used for ecological management in the megacity to reduce both ecological and human risks. A special attention should be given to periods of hot and dry weather and to traffic-related emissions.
Potentially toxic element,Moscow,Megacity,Risk assessment,Source apportionment,Urban dust
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