Prokaryotic and viral genomes recovered from 787 Japanese gut metagenomes revealed microbial features linked to diets, populations, and diseases

Cell genomics(2022)

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We reconstructed 19,084 prokaryotic and 31,395 viral genomes from 787 Japanese gut metagenomes as Japanese metagenome-assembled genomes (JMAG) and Japanese Virus Database (JVD), which are large microbial genome datasets for a single population. Population-specific enrichment of the Bacillus subtilis and b-porphyranase among the JMAG could derive from the Japanese traditional food natto (fermented soy-beans) and nori (laver), respectively. Dairy-related Enterococcus_B lactis and Streptococcus thermophilus were nominally associated with the East Asian-specific missense variant rs671:G>A in ALDH2, which was associated with dairy consumption. Of the species-level viral genome clusters in the JVD, 62.9% were novel. The b crAss-like phage composition was low among the Japanese but relatively high among African and Oce-anian peoples. Evaluations of the association between crAss-like phages and diseases showed significant disease-specific associations. Our large catalog of virus-host pairs identified the positive correlation be-tween the abundance of the viruses and their hosts.
database,gut microbe,metagenome-assembled genome,prokaryotic genome,viral genome
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